I thought I was scarred for life, and so never returned to M33.

Until now. This was supposed to be throwaway data, meant as a test after remounting my secondary mirror and creating an aperture mask for the primary. Still a work in progress and I think I should flock that new mask as, despite being black, I think it may be too reflective. But results were good enough and stars seemed round and un-tilted enough that I even added a second night of data. Total of 6 hours, one of which is Ha.
Processing has not been easy, and I have made quite a few renditions. Perhaps like M31, there's a lot of range here. Also many great individual features. Resolving of giant or variable stars? Eh, maybe. Originally I think I was taking out too much blue manually, which gave a redder result but also induced purple. ST Color module, however, whether full-FOV or star sampled, seemed to be trying to tell me to leave all that blue in. Maybe this is just a very blue target.

I think I had some overcorrected corners, maybe a flats problem, but Wipe with synthetic inverted flats handled it well IMO. The stars also have a bit of side flaring and I believe that is also causing some multi-color issues i.e. blue/red. Coma corrector backspacing may be the problem here.
Finally I've had some trouble with the low-SNR transition from galaxy to background, for the faint outer arms. This last was about the best I could do to not have things get too choppy, adding in some grain in DN. No SS used.
For the galaxy Ha accenting I changed back to Balmer purple but added a little strength along with other parameter tweaks. This seemed to keep the same hue as what was there already in LRGB, but expanded the acreage greatly.
If anyone wants to see what they can get out of it and come up with some tips, the data is here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing
The staging area astrobin is here, looks okay native (of the final which was binned 50%) but a bit iffy if the OS/browser is upscaling for high dpi: https://astrob.in/czugkp/0/