IC 434
Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 5:08 pm
Hi all,
having seen all this fine flames and horses that Ron and Freddy posted, I would like share my version. Maybe it's of interest, as this was taken with my newtonian in opposite to Ron's and Freddy's high-quality refractor scopes.
After 1.5 hours I noticed, that camera was out of focus and so again only 50 minutes of light It seems that I'm the master of limited integration time - or maybe more some kind of Don Quixote?
- 200/1000 GSO Newton / SkyWatcher EQ-5
- Baader MPCC
- UV/IR cut
- EOS 2000Da, APT
- 50/200 Guide Scope, ASI 120 MC, PHD2
- 50 x 60s @ ISO 800
- flats, bias
The night was unusual clear for my location and therefore it was easy to get rid of the weak remaining gradient.
Data is weak and so I decided to bin down to 33%. This is the first time I used the "33% median" preset of ST 9. I ran HDR two times with different context sizes - 25 pixels to tame Alnitak (tame highlights set to 1.25) and second time context size 10 px to bring out the small structures in the flame (tame highlights set to 1). I'm still struggling with SV Decon in ST 9 - depending on the workflow there are not much usable starfishies. But nevertheless SVDecon had a noticeable impact on the stars. I did not use the "Shrink" and "Superstructure" modules, just NR with detail size boosted up to 15px. No idea, if this is the intended use, but I think it worked quite well for me?!
Comments welcome.
Best regards, Dietmar.
having seen all this fine flames and horses that Ron and Freddy posted, I would like share my version. Maybe it's of interest, as this was taken with my newtonian in opposite to Ron's and Freddy's high-quality refractor scopes.
After 1.5 hours I noticed, that camera was out of focus and so again only 50 minutes of light It seems that I'm the master of limited integration time - or maybe more some kind of Don Quixote?
- 200/1000 GSO Newton / SkyWatcher EQ-5
- Baader MPCC
- UV/IR cut
- EOS 2000Da, APT
- 50/200 Guide Scope, ASI 120 MC, PHD2
- 50 x 60s @ ISO 800
- flats, bias
The night was unusual clear for my location and therefore it was easy to get rid of the weak remaining gradient.
Data is weak and so I decided to bin down to 33%. This is the first time I used the "33% median" preset of ST 9. I ran HDR two times with different context sizes - 25 pixels to tame Alnitak (tame highlights set to 1.25) and second time context size 10 px to bring out the small structures in the flame (tame highlights set to 1). I'm still struggling with SV Decon in ST 9 - depending on the workflow there are not much usable starfishies. But nevertheless SVDecon had a noticeable impact on the stars. I did not use the "Shrink" and "Superstructure" modules, just NR with detail size boosted up to 15px. No idea, if this is the intended use, but I think it worked quite well for me?!
Comments welcome.
Best regards, Dietmar.