Rosetta reworked

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Rosetta reworked

Post by fmeireso »

Hi all,

I reworked my Rosetta from February this year using the NBaccent module; IMHO it came out better then the former processing. More stars, even some color in some stars, and lost the blue stars in the red parts of the nebulae. I used an OSC+L-enhance for color and a mono DLSR with Ha filter.
RosettaGimp3large.jpg (499.03 KiB) Viewed 1638 times

This is the link to the post with the 'old' version

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Re: Rosetta reworked

Post by decay »

Hi Freddy,

not that easy to compare as the images have different sizes and show different fields. So I copied both images into IrfanView instances and scaled down the 'new' image to 75%. Then I put them on top of each other and switched between them ... My impressions at first glance:

- The new image is much sharper/more clear.
- There is more noise left in the new image, especially in the fainter Ha areas.
- Yes, the colour of the stars is much better in your new rendition. :thumbsup:
- I'm not sure about the balance between the Ha and the OIII parts. Maybe I like the balance in your old rendition a bit more :think: Hm. I don't know. Probably just personal taste.

Hope this helps a little?

Best regards, Dietmar.

P.S.: But now I'm completely confused regarding your filter equipment and what camera you use it with :lol: . So you do have a Ha filter?! I will have to read you other thread again :confusion-shrug:
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Re: Rosetta reworked

Post by fmeireso »

Hi Dietmar,

Yes, not easy...personaly i like the new image more , because of the better starfield and well coloring. But it is bit , how would i put it, less 'pushing', less luminace. I guess both images are worth while in the end. The first was made L,RGB the second used only NBaccent, no luminance

So to answer your question

I have an monochrome DSLR wich i use with a Ha filter but also with the L-enhance sometimes (like on the Veil)
I have an OSC DLSR unmodded i use sometimes with the L-enhance too, resulting in most cases to an HOO image and sometimes i used it without any filter at for IC 63

For this image , i used the OSC DSLR unmodded with the L-enhance resulting in a kind of bicolor image but way better then without the filter.
I use then a second stack with my mono DSLR and a HA filter 7 nm. I always combine 2 stacks, one OSC and one monochrome

Hopes this clear things a bit up..
I know this is quite an uncommon approach, not many use a mono DSLR and not many perhaps combined that with a OSC + L-enhance.
But it can work, it depens a bit of the object. :)
Posts: 384
Joined: Mon Sep 28, 2020 8:46 pm
Location: Belgium

Re: Rosetta reworked

Post by fmeireso »

well combining always 2 stacks , i meant on emission nebulae of course... :)
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