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The Butterfly near Sadr

Posted: Tue May 31, 2022 9:10 pm
by Stefan B
Welcome back nebulae! Still a bit early but I don't have any energy left for small galaxies, so I aimed for a nebula which doesn't fit my field of view: the region near Sadr in Cygnus:


The image contains nearly three hours of broadband data and five hours of duo NB data. Both data sets were combined by NBAccent.

Strangely, the saturation of the image is quite decent on my processing screen but pretty strong on my smartphone. Don't know which one is "right". I hope, it doesn't burn your eyes...

Best regards

Re: The Butterfly near Sadr

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 7:11 pm
by decay
Hi Stefan,

I see, the new camera is your friend :D :thumbsup: . Do you need no sleep at all? I have no idea how you manage to take all those pictures in the early morning …
Interesting, it’s the other way round for me: pretty strong on my processing screen but quite decent on my smartphone. Great, anyway. :bow-yellow:

Please don't be angry. But I couldn’t resist:

cygnus.jpg (436.6 KiB) Viewed 1280 times

I took this image last year with the Canon kit lens EF-S at 18mm. Unfortunately it is not what I had hoped for. On the left is the light dome of the village where I life, and on the right the nearby small town. Welcome to my world. But right in the middle lies Sadr and your Butterfly! Unfortunately the 2000D is almost red-blind, so the nebulae are quite dim.

Best regards, Dietmar.

Re: The Butterfly near Sadr

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 12:26 pm
by Stefan B
Hi Dietmar,

Thanks for your kind words.

I need lots of sleep by the way. That's why I start imaging as soon as possible. For Sadr this was about 11 pm. It's still not really dark and Sadr is still low. I watch the download of the first two frames and if dithering does its job and then I'll go to bed. I'll return for the automated meridian flip since sometimes NINA and computer lose the connection and don't reconnect automatically. And then I'll sleep again ;)

Your image looks great. I have a similar one from a modded Dslr. I am surprised how much red you were able to get :thumbsup:
