Hi all,
haven't been much active lately, but wanted to share this shot.
Is taken with an OSC qhy8L, and l-extreme filter from Bortle 7-8,
also "normal" colour from this filter, mostly Halpha and Oiii.
It was stacked first as usual file, then splitting Halpha and Oiii channels in Siril
in Compose, Loaded Halpha as Luminance, normal file (can't really say RGB ) as Red and Green
then Oiii as Blue.
the reddish is the first output. then after denoise, went back to Colour and played with Channels biases
and that colourfull thing came out. not sure if I can call it SHO-hubble but I quite like it. : )
Let me know what you think
(shots have been reduced to 50% in Paint to be able to post here )