Barnard 33 - Horsehead Nebula

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Barnard 33 - Horsehead Nebula

Post by ionia23 »

This is one of those objects that I think is a target/goal for anyone getting into astrophotography. I've wanted to capture this object since I first started well back into the early 2000's and now, with what I've learned and what I have, I did it. I'm quite pleased with how this came out.

Of course, a rather bright satellite just had to fly through the field of view in one of the shots, yet somehow, I don't mind. They're right. Starshoot is Photoshop for Astrophotographers.

Image date: 10-28-2021
Location: Tucson, AZ under urban skies
Filtering: None
Telescope: Williams Optics 105mm APO refractor
Mount: Orion Atlas Pro
Guiding: Orion Starshoot Autoguider ST-4 (direct to mount)
Camera: Orion Starshoot G4 OSC

30 x 120 sec exposures
Image stacking in Fitswork4 with 9 alignment points
Image processing all in Startools
10-28-2021 - Barnard 33 - Horsehead Nebula - FINAL.jpg
10-28-2021 - Barnard 33 - Horsehead Nebula - FINAL.jpg (59.63 KiB) Viewed 2443 times
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