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M16 Eagle Nebula OSC Narrowband Bi Color

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 10:35 am
by Startrek
Captured around 4 hours of good data on M16 Eagle Nebula under clear moonless Bortle 3 skies

NexDome Obs
8” f5 GSO newt
EQ6-R pro mount
ZWOASI2600MC set in Ascom Lowest Read Noise gain 100 cooled to -10C
3 minute dithered guided subs
Tracking and Goto EQMOD and Ascom Stellarium
Captured with APT
PHD2 Multistar guiding at 0.65 to 0.75 arc sec total
Stacked in DSS
Processed in Startools V1.7 Compose OSC Bi Color
Selected an SHO option in colour matrix with only minor adjustments

Finally achieving some reasonable OSC Bi Color narrowband images of nebula thanks to great advice and support from Ivo !!

Comments welcome
Thanks for looking

Re: M16 Eagle Nebula OSC Narrowband Bi Color

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 11:18 pm
by ionia23
Very jealous! That's wonderfully done. Something is messing with my head a bit, where is the structure called The Pillars of Creation? Am I just not seeing it?

Re: M16 Eagle Nebula OSC Narrowband Bi Color

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 10:09 pm
by Startrek
Thanks for your comments
Pillars of creation are located in the centre of the imagers the blue region , one dark pillar and one faint pillar
Unfortunately I’m only using a 1000mm focal length not exactly Hubble type image but you can see them
Clear Skies