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Posts: 253
Joined: Sun Feb 07, 2016 2:55 am


Post by Rkonrad »

Hi all,

This is a more unusual view of M42. With this target, I usually use the filmdev option but thought this time I would do autodev (which doesn't like the blown out core). The result is a tremendously equalized image with the nebula almost not front and centre!

This is from New Mexico at ITelescope observatory. The scope is a 11 inch RASA and camera is a ZWO ASI071 Pro Color (one shot colour).

Exposure: 18x150 sec (45 min) and core 10x10 sec (100 sec)

Thanks for looking


Posts: 390
Joined: Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:06 am
Location: Northamptonshie uk

Re: M42

Post by Burly »

Excellent result richard,i rarely use film dev ,i find autodev better most times .
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