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M42 from TelescopeLive One Click HSO image set

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 4:12 pm
by uihawks
I processed this image and saved it with various color combinations. I am displaying this one because of the deep red patch that displayed just left and down from image center. This image doesn't has as much of the O III teal color that I saved in a couple of other images. The star images were very crisp from the original images and I like how that absorption nebula covers and blocks some light. I didn't stretch as much to keep the brightness lower.

M42 final.JPG
M42 final.JPG (22.75 KiB) Viewed 2153 times

Re: M42 from TelescopeLive One Click HSO image set

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 11:34 am
by admin
Hmmm... that is definitely a very peculiar coloring for the core.

If you wish to share your processing log and - if possible - the datset, we can have a look as to what may be going wrong here.

EDIT: I just noticed this is a narrowband rendition, in which case coloring can be all over the place, but is usally mapped in a way that shows the three recorded emissions well. Ending up with a teal green core is not very likely in narrowband when mapped as HSO (purple is about right; strong Ha emissions in red and strong O-III emissions in blue with few emissions in S-II green makes purple).