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M98 from Hubble file

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 6:47 pm
by uihawks
I attached an image of M98 using a Fits file from the Hubble Legacy Archive. From what I can gather the image was taken with the PC planetary camera in what I think are wavelengths 814 and 555 based on the their filename. I opened the file in Star Tools and saw almost all black but autodev brought out a pretty nice image and this image did not take a lot of time in StarTools. I am in the process of processing as many Messier objects I can and I use my own remote telescope images, free Fits images posted by other nice people, and sources like the Hubble Legacy.

PS, The rotate function in StarTools is amazing with the Hubble images which are oriented every angle imaginable.
M98 HLA PC planetary camera ST.JPG
M98 HLA PC planetary camera ST.JPG (28.11 KiB) Viewed 3515 times