Thor’s Helmet, NGC 2359

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Thor’s Helmet, NGC 2359

Post by dcollier »

Thor’s Helmet, NGC 2359 is an emission nebula in Canis Major similar to the Bubble Nebula. However unlike the Bubble Nebula the central star is Wolf-Rayet star WR7. It is approximately 12,000 light years distant. Imaged with a remote telescope from iTelescope, New Mexico Skies Observatory, Mayhill, NM on the evening of 2/4/2021. It has been difficult to get any useable data even from remote scopes on two continents due to the unusual run of bad weather worldwide.
Telescope: Planewave 431mm Corrected Dall Kirkham. f/6.8 reflector, f/4.5 w/focal reducer.
Camera: Finger Lakes FLI-PL6303E CCD
Resolution: 0.96 arc-secs/pixel
4 X 5min. Each channel Ha, OIII. 20min total each channel, 40 Min total exposure. Binned 2X2 in post processing.
Software: Astropixel Processor 1.80 and StarTools 1.7
Thors_helmet 020421 HOO.jpg
Thors_helmet 020421 HOO.jpg (176.43 KiB) Viewed 3416 times
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