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Cygnus wide field

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 10:14 am
by micheleorsini
I wish I had a better lens and more time, but I spent all the time taking frames at DSOs, still, Cygnus constellation is soooo beautiflu!
I'm going to use this picture to make a "composition/explosion" (what is the right name?) showing big picture and DSO details in the same frame


Re: Cygnus wide field

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:06 am
by Rowland
Full marks for not being discouraged by the lack of replies, Michele.

Lovely work. The NA nebula and Veil are superb.

You are thinking of mosaic. Stitching frames together?

Re: Cygnus wide field

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:13 am
by micheleorsini
Hello Rowland,
thank you for your support!

I want to do something like this
cygnus copy.jpg
cygnus copy.jpg (172.71 KiB) Viewed 6758 times
(just a draft: NA got H RGB data, so I'm going to replace the BW image with HaRGB one)
this of course is not for passionate but for those who know little/nothing about astronomy, this image tells many things: how objects are placed near the milky way, how nebulae can have different origins, how big and faint they are and so on.

I already wrote an article (in italian, unfortunately) with 4 pictures of big objects that can be (barely) seen with the naked eye (pleyades, milky way, andromeda and orion) and had the opportunity of writing something divulgative about astrophysics (in particular about star formation: spiral arms, orion nebula and pleiades are perfect for this)


Re: Cygnus wide field

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 11:37 am
by Rowland
That's remarkable and beyond my expertise. It's a great idea.

Re: Cygnus wide field

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 4:43 pm
by Burly
Very nice indeed well done :thumbsup: