Andromeda, using AltStars SVD

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Posts: 407
Joined: Mon Dec 30, 2019 3:49 am

Re: Andromeda, using AltStars SVD

Post by Startrek »

That’s a beautiful image
Well done !!
Might give Alt Stars a try too

Clear Skies
Mike in Rancho
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Re: Andromeda, using AltStars SVD

Post by Mike in Rancho »

Thanks all!

Jochen, yes I think some Ha would be a nice thing to try out for NB Accent. I don't think I would want any duoband for L though, on a broadband target like this.

Though previously I did take some duoband "L" with the 2600MM to later be combined with the same duoband on my DSLR to colorize it. But, now that I have a full 7x2 EFW, there's no room for another filter and it probably doesn't fit into the acquisition workflow anymore...

My "final" version of this M31 data was almost identically processed, except in HDR and Sharpen I allowed the highlights to pop a little more, instead of almost completely suppressing that. I also upped the bright saturation to keep things from being too tame, and try to get a little more color in the star field. Though I don't think I really succeeded very well on the latter.

M31 2-nite 3h 39m LRGB ST8 4A.jpg
M31 2-nite 3h 39m LRGB ST8 4A.jpg (489.45 KiB) Viewed 1450 times
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