The Close Encounter Galaxy—NGC 908

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The Close Encounter Galaxy—NGC 908

Post by Russ.Carpenter »

In the last 18 months I've been chasing rare objects in the Southern Hemisphere. Here is the latest one. This text and image were uploaded to Astrobin this morning, at this URL


The Close Encounter Galaxy—NGC 908

Here is a spiral galaxy that was greatly rearranged by a close encounter with another galaxy (which is currently not visible). NGC 908 is a starburst galaxy, creating new stars at a prodigious rate. In recent years two supernova have been recorded in this galaxy.

Tech Notes for ASA 500/3.6:
ASA Newtonian, 500 mm aperture, 1900mm focal length, F3.6
FLI Proline 16803, 9 mm pixel, 4096 X 4096
ASA DDM85 equatorial mount
Processing with PixInsight, StarTools, and Affinity Photo
NGC908 ST Final Small.jpg
NGC908 ST Final Small.jpg (447.75 KiB) Viewed 1956 times
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