Startools for Planetary processing

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Startools for Planetary processing

Post by 1074j »

I've just started imaging Jupiter again as I just got a new ASI224 color camera. As an experiment, I decided to try using Startools to process vs using Registax6. I used Autostakkart! to stack the images and imported the resulting tif into Startools. I used deconvolution and then some sharpening as well as a slight saturation boost. I don't remember exactly as I didn't record anything as I didn't expect much. As you can see, the Startools image is better, at least to me, vs the Registax6 image. Maybe I just suck at Registax6? The colors are a bit different too. C-11 at f/20, seeing was poor.

Startools, Registax

Jup_221914_g4_ap50-startools (2).jpg
Jup_221914_g4_ap50-startools (2).jpg (19.08 KiB) Viewed 7170 times
Jup_221914_g4_ap50-2.jpg (44.76 KiB) Viewed 7170 times
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Re: Startools for Planetary processing

Post by LanFeusT »

Oh that is really interesting, I never thought of trying Startools for planetary. It feels like Registax was still able to pull out a little bit more details and contrast between the bands. But I do prefer the colors Startools came out with!

I'll give my own Jupiter and Moon pics a try in ST this week end!
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Joined: Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:36 pm

Re: Startools for Planetary processing

Post by 1074j »

I decided to try and combine Registax and Startools. I used Registax for the wavelet sharpening then used Startools deconvolution and color functions. The image is sharper and more colorful-maybe too much. I should aim for something between these two images.

Seeing was also much better than the previous image so that also helped (a lot!)
Jup_213017_g4_ap60-final.jpg (86.95 KiB) Viewed 7103 times

Just Registax
Jup_213017_g4_ap60-dering.jpg (32.18 KiB) Viewed 7103 times
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Re: Startools for Planetary processing

Post by Burly »

Very nice images ,you can see what your work flow was by looking in the startools folder there you will see a TXT file with all workflows you have done :thumbsup:
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