M42 and the Running Man

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M42 and the Running Man

Post by grc02 »

This was taken under a moonlit Bortle Class 5 sky with an astro modified Fuji XT-1 14 bit camera.

EDIT: The beginning of a project which has been delayed for several years

180 30s lights iso1600 with long exposure noise reduction on- plus flats and bias frames.

It was necessary to apply the bias during calibration- the advice given about LENR was to apply the flats only but that ended up in a mess.

EDIT: it seems the bias is not subtracted from the light frame with LENR. Not in my camera anyway. Likely LENR may not be the best approach.

EDIT: The result after background extraction in Siril was acceptable but colour manipulation except for saturation and removing green signal was unworkable in both StarTools and Siril. Issues not seen when applying darks traditionally.

Obviously, it could do with more data and better control over the stars. It has that gritty look nested among interstellar dust.
r_pp_light_stackedSTIMcrop.jpg (602.32 KiB) Viewed 422 times
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