M13 with double integration time

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Mike in Rancho
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Re: M13 with double integration time

Post by Mike in Rancho »

I suppose it may depend on the inverted mask, as well as what Flux settings are being used. When I compare to a good reference though, I'm seeing things. Although, it could also certainly be jpg conversion artifacts rather than Flux artifacts?

As to dim gray stars, that is entirely appropriate. This of course was also posted by dx-Ron recently, and on CN more than a year ago, but check out this APOD image (Planewave) and H-R diagram of both M13 colors and magnitude. Look at the huge population in the white/gray from mag 17 and higher (or is it lower?). An M13 should be absolutely loaded with dim gray stars. Even if we think they would be prettier with more wattage. ;)

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Re: M13 with double integration time

Post by decay »

Mike in Rancho wrote: Mon Jun 06, 2022 5:56 am As to dim gray stars, that is entirely appropriate. (...) An M13 should be absolutely loaded with dim gray stars. Even if we think they would be prettier with more wattage.
Hi Mike, I agree, that's surely true in principle. But I've seen many images here in our ST forum where the dim grey stars don't look like I would expect and - more important - don't look like in many other images we see on the internet, including your example from NASA. I'm not sure, what it is and it is not easy to describe. :confusion-shrug:

Thank you for mentioning this example from NASA, I took some time and experimented with my shot on M13 - maybe with success or not - but I can try to report on the things I found. I will do this in my own thread about M13, so Freddy can get rid of us here.

@Freddy: Thank you very much for your insights into your workflow using the Flux module.

Best regards, Dietmar.
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Re: M13 with double integration time

Post by fmeireso »

Mike in Rancho wrote: Mon Jun 06, 2022 5:56 am I
As to dim gray stars, that is entirely appropriate. This of course was also posted by dx-Ron recently, and on CN more than a year ago, but check out this APOD image (Planewave) and H-R diagram of both M13 colors and magnitude. Look at the huge population in the white/gray from mag 17 and higher (or is it lower?). An M13 should be absolutely loaded with dim gray stars. Even if we think they would be prettier with more wattage. ;)

Dunno Mike. A dim star is a relative thing. The smaller the scope the dimmer a star will be. Take 50 inch scope and i wonder how much of those dims stars are still dim... So i see no harm in accentuating it and put a bit more 'life' in the globs on pictures. I worrie more about the star color sometimes. OK my blue approach is maybe not 100 procent accurate but some blue/yellow stars approaches looks strange to me too.. globs are old objects and i would think they hold much old , cooler orange stars and some blue stragglers. But i read that M13 seems not to contain much blue stragglers. So i wonder about the colors....
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