The Doubly Rare Galaxy: NGC 150

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The Doubly Rare Galaxy: NGC 150

Post by Russ.Carpenter »

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The Doubly Rare Galaxy: NGC 150

NGC 150 is rare at least two ways:

It is rarely imaged (first for Astrobin and my Internet search found no other published amateur images); and it has a rare three-armed pattern.

The De Vaucouleurs Athas says that this “strange object” appears to be a barred spiral where the bar is highly foreshortened. The inner arms are massive, with high surface brightness. But the outer arms have very low surface brightness. The nucleus is bright but extremely small.

NGC 150 has five companion galaxies and I believe you can see several of them in this image. Its small size (1.9 arc minutes) makes NGC 150 difficult to image and process.

This image is part of my on-going investigation of peculiar galaxies in the Southern Hemisphere.

NGC 150 meets the definition of a peculiar galaxy in The Catalog of Southern Peculiar Galaxies and Associations, by Halton Arp and Barry Madore. It falls under Category 8—galaxies with apparent companions, and Category 10—galaxies with peculiar spiral arms.

Tech Notes for ASA 500/3.6:
ASA Newtonian, 500 mm aperture, 1900mm focal length, F3.6
FLI Proline 16803, 9 mm pixel, 4096 X 4096
ASA DDM85 equatorial mount
Processing with PixInsight, StarTools, and Affinity Photo
NGC150 Small.jpg
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