Barnard's Galaxy using Version 1.8

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Barnard's Galaxy using Version 1.8

Post by Russ.Carpenter »

This text and image were uploaded to Astrobin this morning Once again, version 1.8 yielded a beautiful result.


Barnard’s Galaxy (NGC 6822), 2021 Version

This year I was motivated to improve an image I captured of Barnard’s Galaxy in 2020. I doubled the number of subframes and added subframes for Ha. In addition, I was fortunate to have new strategies in StarTools that enhance processing of tiny stars and Ha accents in galaxies. The resulting image more successfully captures the faint parts of the galaxy and highlights Ha regions.

Tech Notes for ASA 500/3.6:
ASA Newtonian, 500 mm aperture, 1900mm focal length, F3.6
FLI Proline 16803, 9 mm pixel, 4096 X 4096
ASA DDM85 equatorial mount
Processing with PixInsight, StarTools, and Affinity Photo
NGC6822 2021 Small.jpg
NGC6822 2021 Small.jpg (495.09 KiB) Viewed 3916 times
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