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Tips with colour callibration with Canon modified

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 9:58 am
by akeru
Hi all. I recently had modified my Canon 1000D removing the IR filter. Now the images have more detail but I have problems with colour module because the reds are stronger in the image and I had change the parameters in the module to reduce red channel saturation but I don't got the desired results.

Do you have some tips about colour calibration in modified cameras? Maybe even some parameter in the camera or in Deep Sky Stacker that could help me?

Thanks a lot.

Re: Tips with colour callibration with Canon modified

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:42 pm
by almcl
You may need to experiment with the white balance. My Canon was astro modified (filters removed but a Baader BCF filter was inserted).

The white balance shift was modified to B9G9 and I was advised to use daylight white balance when shooting astro. This seems to work OK.

If you don't have the Baader filter, you may need to experiment a bit.

Re: Tips with colour callibration with Canon modified

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:52 pm
by akeru
Thanks. I use with my refractor the UV/IR cut Baader filter to obtain focus. The images are in RAW format when I stack it in DSS and i can calibrate fine the colour in PixInsight LE (it gets a natural colour) but I cannot get the same result in Startools now. :think: