Mapping and throttling to reveal SII in a way I like, however, is proving difficult - even though it's there.
Here's one of several renditions I managed. Don't mind the noise, it's the data plus some of these were done pretty quickly to get to color and see what I have going on.
This matrix was #3, 50/50 - 50/50 - 100, with 2.9 green reduce and 1.72 blue reduce. I guess there's a bit of green tint towards the Ha and perhaps red-orange tint to the SII, but mostly hard to tell.
I tested out a quick bicolor HSS (only loaded SII once), picked what amounts to H (H+S) S, with a red/Ha reduce of 3.0, which my understanding is a linear 1/3 multiplier, and came up with this. Nothing else here other than a big bin and then synthetic in SVD since I didn't have enough resolution left.
The bicolor separates Ha and SII quite nicely, I think. So, is it just because things get more mushed up when adding another channel to go tricolor? Or my settings? Or the pre-fab mappings, even though we have quite a few. It does seem to me that trying to reveal SII as red, when red is often a component of the Ha also due to mapping, could be an issue as well. And the Ha and SII regions do overlap quite a lot, but yet again they can be separated in the bicolor.

What would seem pretty cool would be to have that same brown-orange for Ha as in the bicolor, but have the SII reveal in bright, deep, or full red, and then also have my blue up in the corner. Assuming that the blue/OIII in and of itself isn't messing things up globally...
Seemingly, at least at full or pure intensities, the matrix #2, 40/60 - 40/60 - 100, ought to do this. Or perhaps #7, 50/50 - 85/15 - 100. #7 seems a bit stronger in the red rather than a more faded pastel. So says the little color mapping chart I had made up for all the matrices, anyway. But I get no luck with those, in fact they turn out even worse as the Ha and SII seem to blend together into a single solid hue.

Throwing a Hail Mary (that's for Dietmar to look up

If anyone wants to try out the specific data in question, the stacks can be found here: ... sp=sharing
I should be out there gathering more photons on this before the moon comes back, but, an evening of spiked eggnog seemed a better idea.