I’ve tried to accent my M31 ( viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2703 ) with some Ha using NBAccent like Jochen and Ivo suggested in some posts here. Therefore I captured about 1.5 hours data with my L-eNhance duo band filter (other specs like in the above mentioned post regarding M31 visual spectrum image).
Somewhere I read, that duo band imaging would be possible with moon on stage, but possibly was not meant that the 50% moon shines straight into your tube.

Both ASTAP stacks were aligned with DSS. Processing was quite straightforward. Compose module [L + Synthetic L From R(2xG)B, RGB (Color from OSC/DSLR)], the visual stack loaded into the RGB slots and duo band stack into NB Accents File, NB Accents Type set to Ha/S-II from NB filter. Then AutoDev, Bin, Crop. Due to the gradient in Ha data I had to do a more aggressive WIPE then necessary for the visual stack only. (This was recently discussed in Stefan’s thread: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2687 .) But I think, the more aggressive WIPE did no harm. Then AutoDev with a large ROI leaving out only the borders, Contrast, HDR, Sharp, SVDecon.
Yes, and then NB Accent. Ha is very noisy and so I had to use Threshold to cut off the noisy background. Unfortunately I was not able to get a decent result. I tried a lot over and over again with different ROIs and tweaking all parameters on both NBAccent steps. It turns out, that best results are achieved with lowering Brightness Correlation and Gamma, but pushing Strength. The result always looks more or less like this (only luminance for demonstration purposes):
(I already posted that image in my other thread viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2716 )
The Ha knots came out quite fine I think, but there is always a strong red hue between the outer arms and the bulge (like a pink donut)

I’ve no idea, what’s going wrong here.

Has someone an example of an image of M31 processed with ST and NBAccent?
If someone would like to take a look, the stacks may be found here:
visual RGB stack
https://c.web.de/@334960167135216273/NK ... NaZwQEyrhg
duo band
https://c.web.de/@334960167135216273/c9 ... 43KikGukgQ
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks & best regards, Dietmar.