Ivo - Thank you for implementing the circle and drag function
Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2021 12:42 pm
Ivo, Thank you for implementing the circle and drag function. I use it to remove and fix Oxygen III filter halos!
Halos like in this image...
Thank you so much!
1- identify the offending halo star
2- make a circle of the entire star and halo (fig 2) 3- make a smaller circle within the green circle for the white part of the star. The mask will be erased over the star
4- Open the color module, select keep mask, tune down the blue and possibly red until you have a good mix of background color. 5- Bright sat should be down to 0 and dark sat up to 50 or more... 6- save your work
Halos like in this image...
Thank you so much!
1- identify the offending halo star
2- make a circle of the entire star and halo (fig 2) 3- make a smaller circle within the green circle for the white part of the star. The mask will be erased over the star
4- Open the color module, select keep mask, tune down the blue and possibly red until you have a good mix of background color. 5- Bright sat should be down to 0 and dark sat up to 50 or more... 6- save your work