Color issue

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Color issue

Post by fmeireso »

Hi everybody,

Got a color issue. I don't seem to get the right color out of NGC 281. When i tried it about 3 weeks ago i got a nice blue red nebulae but coud not get the stars right

The stack ... 1.FTS?dl=0

Otherwise rather nice, could recude the starfield in a descent way only lack of color. You can see the pacman rather well considering this is taken with a 76 mm scope and unmodded DSLR.
NGC281_3 (Medium).jpg
NGC281_3 (Medium).jpg (360.56 KiB) Viewed 4356 times
So wonder where i got it wrong....
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Re: Color issue

Post by admin »


What program did you use to stack this?
The dataset seems to be already color balanced, which is something you want to avoid.
That said, I had no problem at all getting good color (Wipe->Color). Are you sure you used Wipe?

What did your workflow look like?
Ivo Jager
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Re: Color issue

Post by fmeireso »

Hi Ivo,

I use DSS

What do you mean by color balanced?
I changed this setting see screen shot (it is in dutch but i guess that will be ok :)
background calibration off, this setting used to be on.
As for wiping i tried with and without wiping. There seemed not too much nasty gradient in the picture
achtergrondcalibratie.JPG (46.62 KiB) Viewed 4327 times
Last edited by fmeireso on Fri Oct 16, 2020 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Color issue

Post by happy-kat »

DSS > left hand side menu, options > settings > RAW/Fits .... > on the opened dialog under white balance select No white balance processing
Then in startools you can select the linear and not white balanced option
then colour colour can select the matrix for your camera
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Re: Color issue

Post by fmeireso »

White balance it not checked...but you mean then i have to choose linear?

I always used the second option sofar....the from DSLR not white balanced

Gonna check it out...
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Re: Color issue

Post by happy-kat »

I have assumed you are using RAW files from a DSLR
DSS 4.2.3 'No white balance processing' should be checked
if it is not checked your stack is not a match for the second option when loading into startools
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Re: Color issue

Post by fmeireso »

I use indeed RAW files
see screenshot
Knipselwb.JPG (11.05 KiB) Viewed 4311 times
translated = use camera white balance

if left it unchecked which should mean no white balance

and 'use auto white balance' is desabled so that does not count anyhow ...


Meanwhile i have some color...
ST just gets me confused ..sometimes it presents a image that one things is 'over colored' but after some tweaking with modules gives another image...
I just need time and practice...
NGC281_12.jpg (201.35 KiB) Viewed 4305 times
Better allready...still needs more attention...
Last edited by fmeireso on Fri Oct 16, 2020 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Color issue

Post by happy-kat »

I am using DSS 4.2.3
I have not loaded 4.2.5 so can not confirm 'if' the needed setting has been removed

startools only shows you colour in Wipe as a 'look 'see' but it does not then after 'keep' keep the colour.
colour is not in the image until the colour module, up to that point you are processing luminance.
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