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Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 3:54 pm
by Ridgesoar
after "color"
after "color"
color final-elephant.jpg (174.72 KiB) Viewed 4797 times
after "color"
after "color"
color final-elephant.jpg (174.72 KiB) Viewed 4797 times
autodev elephant.jpg (237.41 KiB) Viewed 4797 times
when I autodev I get a good color but when i finally go to color I loose most of it. Fits or Tiff. Linear #1 or #2

Re: color

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2019 9:22 pm
by happy-kat
It is hard to comment with very little to work on.
If you are using the 1.6 beta version of StarTools then (depending on camera) you could use the latest beta version of Deep Sky Stacker (I am using 4.2.3 beta 1 though it looks like I should get the new beta version I've just seen) and ensure to select 'no white balance processing' under Settings.
Then select linear option 2 in StarTools.
Bin / crop / wipe / dev / colour and use the drop down menu to select your camera
Is the colour as expected now?

Re: color

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:12 pm
by Ridgesoar
Thanks. I'm sing DSS 4.2.2. No 4.3 available on site. All white balance is turned off.

Using StarTools 1.5 which is the latest I see. Using "linear"

Will run again--- didn't realize there was a pull down menu in "color" to ID my camera. afraid it hasn't made it to tutorials ?

Re: color

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:13 pm
by Ridgesoar
Using linear option2 what I meant .

Re: color

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 7:01 pm
by happy-kat
The 'no white balance processing' under Settings was kindly fixed to work and is only in release Deep Sky Stacker 4.2.3 beta 1 and upwards. This can be found on the gilthub link when google searching.
I personally am game to always use Ivo's bleeding edge StarTools as this is a hobby for me creating and processing astro images so am using 1.6 onwards.
I have had better colour results since getting to understand the new 1.6 version of StarTools I just want clear skies to be able to get new data to play with.
Member RICH-DSO uses the bleeding edge version and has great colour in his images.
It's just an idea to try with the latest versions.

restack using new beta DSS and select settings 'No white balance processing'
startools load as linear option 2
bin / crop / wipe (look at colour view (top right it is a temporary colour view)) / dev / colour (bottom right choose camera model from Matrix drop down)

Is you camera a Nikon D3100A (I can't find a Nikon 310A model when google searching)

You could use DropBox or similar to upload and then share your stacked fits if you wanted to share the dataset.

Re: color

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 8:50 pm
by happy-kat
I just learnt one of the draw backs of liking to use bleeding edge, DSS 4.2.3 beta 2 has just expired, oh well, I wait for the next beta version and go back to using 4.2.2 and will have to wait a bit longer to use the new 'no white balance processing' :-)

Re: color

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 7:01 pm
by happy-kat
Fantastic 4.2.3 has now been released (though currently I got it from guilt hub)