Star Green halo = Using Sharp

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Star Green halo = Using Sharp

Post by RICH-DSO »

I have noticed sometimes after using the StarTools Sharp module, some of the stars or bright nebulosity will have a green halo.
What cause the halo? how can it be fixed once the image is processed or the Undo can not be used ?

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Re: Star Green halo = Using Sharp

Post by Rkonrad »

Hi Richard,

I'm not sure about a "green" halo but in my case I have noticed how carefully you have to mask the large stars when sharpening. Even when you think you've got all the star glow under the mask, sharpening (especially large scale) will accentuate anything even though your eyes may not see that faint glow. For almost all my images, I always completely desaturate the colour once I do my final global stretch so I wouldn't be seeing "green". I hope I'm addressing your problem.


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