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J Metsavainio's Tone Mapping In Startools?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 7:33 pm
by dariv
Hello StarTools community....
I've gotten a mono camera and NB filters now and have left the DSLR world behind.
Looking for ways to process the data I came across this tone mapping method that gives some great results, but I can only find tutorials in PI and PS.
Would anyone please describe how to apply this method in StarTools?

Re: J Metsavainio's Tone Mapping In Startools?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 3:10 pm
by admin
Congrats on the new camera!

Would this be close to what you're after?

Re: J Metsavainio's Tone Mapping In Startools?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 4:40 pm
by dariv
Thanks for the response. Yes, star removal is one part of the puzzle. There are several more steps as outlined in the picture below:
Tonemapping.jpg (246.83 KiB) Viewed 7521 times ... apping.jpg

I'm sure all of these steps are covered in different post on this forum. I'd like to gather all those tutorials up and condense them into a StarTools version of the tone mapping technique. :thumbsup:

Re: J Metsavainio's Tone Mapping In Startools?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 12:06 pm
by admin
Sounds great!

It should all be relatively straightforward;
  • generate starless SHO data using the Heal module (you should only have to create the star mask once; you can use a stretched version of, say, the O III for that).
  • stretch the starless versions using AutoDev or Develop. Save them individually.
  • Import the resulting starless results, stretched SHO images as RGB respectively using the LRGB module. Now you got your HST-color Tonemap. Save this.
  • Now load Ha, stretch it. Go into the layer module and load/add the tonemapped OIII.
  • Copy the result into the buffer, put the buffer into the background, load/add SII and add once more.
  • Save the result as your new luminance data.
  • Now combine the colour from the HST-color Tonemap with the luminance data we just created. You cna use th LRGB for this, or the Layer module (use colour of foreground mode).
  • Pour yourself your favourite drink for a job well done! :obscene-drinkingcheers:

Re: J Metsavainio's Tone Mapping In Startools?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 12:15 pm
by dariv
OK, I'm going to give this a try over the weekend.