Help with M81 Colors

Questions and answers about processing in StarTools and how to accomplish certain tasks.
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Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:54 pm

Re: Help with M81 Colors

Post by Rowland »

I ran it all manually through Pixinsight - preprocessing only, using my standard DSLR method, plus two other methods. Difficult to say just what the issue is. But as mentioned, 3 methods of processing and same result. I have seen this before, and your dark frames look like there's stray light getting in - probably through the view finder, unless it's covered, of course. The flats won't be affected to the same extent because they are much shorter exposure, but the darks have light areas thoughout - telltale stray light signature, I think. You could throw a fairly heavy pixel rejection at it during preprocessing and see if that improves thing. :confusion-shrug:

EDIT: just read - you are using a CCD. In that case, no idea.
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Joined: Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:42 pm

Re: Help with M81 Colors

Post by midwayexpress »

So check this out. This is using the built in bin feature in Startools that I rarely ever touch + 6 more frames using dithering. I would say a drastic improvement.
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