Help with Auto-dev, and backgound noise management

Questions and answers about processing in StarTools and how to accomplish certain tasks.
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Re: Help with Auto-dev, and backgound noise management

Post by AmyGP »

I wanted to thank everyone who posted to this thread. I am new to all of this and recently (2 days ago) bought a copy of StarTools. I've been trying off and on to improve my pictures. Mostly, I've wanted to remove the orange cast I get when imaging with my Atik Infinity camera. I don't get the greatest images and thought I'd just have to live with what I could get. I've tried all kinds of packages, procedures, settings, etc. I had some issues with AutoDev in StarTools and ended up with super-noisy results and despaired--thinking my images were just too horrible to do anything with them.

But this thread has really helped me a LOT. I am still not getting the colors I want to see in things like spiral galaxies, but at least I'm now making progress and feel more hopeful. (Of course it would help if I could get up the nerve to collimate my scope and got better at focusing, but...)

So, to all the folks who added step-by-step instructions with the parameters they used: thank you!

(I've been watching all the YouTube videos, as well, and taking notes, so between those and this forum, I'm getting a lot of tips and help.)
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Re: Help with Auto-dev, and backgound noise management

Post by admin »

Great to hear!

If you'd ever like us to go over your data, share a link to it either privately or publicly and we may be able to get you on your way even quicker.

Clear skies!
Ivo Jager
StarTools creator and astronomy enthusiast
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