M42 Removing Amp Glow

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M42 Removing Amp Glow

Post by sandconp »

I think my image is suffering from AMP Glow and I don't know how to fix it. When I took this image the moon was about 90% lit.

Would somebody be able to take a crack at this? I know that there are artifacts but I just don't know how many.

I am attaching the fits file. Please provide the steps you took in Star Tools to process my image.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ur5ld6qjqqxve ... .fits?dl=0
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Re: M42 Removing Amp Glow

Post by admin »


This is not amp glow. This dataset is quite abnormal unfortunately. By the looks of it, something has gone with your flats. Most likely they were not applied correctly. It is almost like you added your flats to the lights, or used them as your darks or bias frames. It may also be the case that hey are not suited to the dataset.

This is not something that can (or should) be fixed in post-processing.

Try stacking the lights only, evaluate the result and then take it from there, adding more calibration steps until the problem appears again.

Let us know ho you go!
Ivo Jager
StarTools creator and astronomy enthusiast
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