
Questions and answers about processing in StarTools and how to accomplish certain tasks.
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Post by khobar95 »


I am trying to fix some dust specks on my shot.

In order to see the dust specks I have to either autodev or digital develop with a high enough setting. I go in and mask the spots, but in order to fix them I have to turn off tracking, but once I do that I can't seem to go back to restretch things and I'm left with a grossly overexposed mess.

I read I need to do the mask inside "Wipe" but as soon as I click "Mask" the temporary autodev goes away and I can't see the dust.

What am I missing?

Cheers and happy new year!
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Re: Dust

Post by admin »

Happy new year to you too!

You should only fix the dust donuts after your final processing (e.g. once Tracking is off).
If you need to see what you're doing because you're trying to create a mask for Wipe, just do an AutoDev, create your mask, then use the 'Restore' functionality to restore the data back to its linear state.

Does this help?
Ivo Jager
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Re: Dust

Post by khobar95 »

Ah, I thought I had to fix the flaws before doing the gradient as I thought the dust would throw things off. Thank you for the quick reply and help! Makes sense now.

Happy New Year to you too.

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