https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0WZUC ... sp=sharing
That's fine and expected - it's AutoDev's job to allocate dynamic range to what's most prevalent in your data. In this case it's a nasty red/orange bias. Wipe indeed removes this, however it reapplies the stretch that is currently active. Since the current stretch was created by AutoDev to allocate maximum dynamic range to the red/orange bias, the current stretch is no longer appropriate. You can now go back to AutoDev to let it re-do the stretch and see what other issues it can bring out (or you can use it for your final global stretch). If you read the work flow, I'm doing exactly that. You can also set 'Temporary AutoDev' to yes, which applies a temporary AutoDev to the wiped data so you can better see what your data looks like without the bias/light pollution - it is undone once you exit Wipe. Follow the workflow and you'll see what is happening.waterbourn wrote:Thanks!
I always have so many questions. So first about white balance. If I don't check the white balance box in DSS i get this when i a autodev. and if i wipe it then i see nothing behind it.
Wipe deals with local (mostly avoidable during acquisition) and global bias (mostly unavoidable) in the signal. You determine which button you should choose by learning what gradients (image as found on http://ontariostargazing.ca/deep-sky-im ... ew-how-to/) , vignetting and amp glow are. Google is your friend!And what exactly is amp glow? Also when you wipe do you use a preset (gradient, vigenetting, etc.) How do you determine which one of those buttons you should choose?