Having a tough time processing long exposure LRGB

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Having a tough time processing long exposure LRGB

Post by akulapanam »

Recently I have been thinking about going from a DSLR to a mono CCD. I decided to try and use Startools 64bit to process a LRGB Fit file for M81 I downloaded from ManuelJ's awesome site.

http://www.manuelj.com/Astronomy/Free-F ... &k=GgmL8gr

The good news is that Startools can easily extract the same level of detail that Manuel has in his own processing of the image. Unfortunately, I just can't seem to get the color right largely because the wipe module absolutely chokes on the full frame leaving me horrible white gradation on the edges. Even if I severely crop the image or use only a color wipe I get left with blue and red blotchiness. As Manuel is using much better equipment than I would have I'm concerned that my own results with LRGB would be even worse. Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Having a tough time processing long exposure LRGB

Post by admin »


I'll have a look at the data soon (recovering from a wrist injury at the moment). In the meantime, could you try to increase the Dark Anomaly Filter setting in the Wipe module? It sounds like dead pixels or other dark anomalous data is throwing it off!
Also please make sure no stacking artifacts are present in the image.
Ivo Jager
StarTools creator and astronomy enthusiast
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